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World Rivers Word Search

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A fun and free online or printable world rivers word search puzzle for anyone looking for a little challenge. Use at home or in the classroom.

The 24 vocabulary words covered in this puzzle are: Amazon, Colorado, Columbia, Congo, Danube, Ganges, Indus, Mekong, Mississippi, Missouri, Niger, Nile, Ob, Ohio, Rhine, Rio Grande, Saint Lawrence, Thames, Ural, Volga, Yangtze, Yellow, Yenisei, and Yukon.

The longest river in the world is the Nile with the Amazon coming in a close second. The Nile is also the oldest river, although there is some geological evidence to the Finke River in Australia as being even older.

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    DIRECTIONS: Find and highlight the vocabulary words in the grid. Look for them in all directions including backwards and diagonally.

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