Card Games Word Search

Help your students or your kids to learn a little something about card games with this entertaining word search free for you to print or use online.
The 24 vocabulary words covered in this puzzle are: Baccarat, Belote, Blackjack, Bridge, Cassino, Cribbage, Cutting, Daihinmin, Dealer, Gin Rummy, Go Fish, Hand, Klaberjass, Old Maid, Pinochle, Poker, Shuffling, Slapjack, Solitaire, Spades, Tarot, Toepen, Trick, and Whist.
Card games are said to have appeared as far back as 9th century China and it seems every country has its favorite version. They are great way to socialize for both young and old. See if you can find these card game words, no peeking!
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DIRECTIONS: Find and highlight the vocabulary words in the grid. Look for them in all directions including backwards and diagonally.
DIRECTIONS: Find and highlight the vocabulary words in the grid. Look for them horizontally and vertically.